The stressful rhythms of daily life are the main causative agent isolation of physical activity and proper nutrition from the daily schedule of modern man. At the individual level, the combination of excessive energy intake of excessive food consumption and reduced levels of physical activity, is considered to constitute the main causative occurrence of obesity mechanism. Individual active role towards the adoption of a daily lifestyle that promotes enhance physical fitness is the foundation stone of building a society with little morbidity and mortality rates. In attempting mobilization of the person to an active role, the scientific team Nutrilab created an innovative online application through which innovates by enabling each person to maintain control of its natural state in a personalized way. To understand the mode of operation and the extraordinary benefits of this application is given the following steps:1. First, download to your mobile or any electronic device with Internet access applying Nutrilab. Once the download is complete you can make any of the following actions:a. Exact calculation of your ideal body weight.b. Exact calculation of your childs ideal body weight.c. Exact calculation of your daily energy needs in calories.d. Evaluate your level of knowledge about nutrition.